The Day Before Yesterday

The day before yesterday
You used to love me
I remember the humbleness in your eyes
Now we have parted and it's me you despise

I ask why you hate me so
You told me with time it just faded
But it was byond your belief
For a year we made it

You say you still love me
And of course I feel the same too
But, you belittle me whenever you're around
Do you think I would tell you?

My feeling willprobably never change
But you ... I wonder what is on your mind
Then again I suggested we part
I figured you needed your space and time

Now you're so obstinate
You won't confess you want me back
We don't have to talk or get back together
If you want to be like that!!

So set in your ways...
I can be like that also!
Because I know the what you really feel...
You are afraid to let me go

So because of your obtuse behavior
Our love will fade away
But if it comes to that point... I remember
When you used to love me the day before yesterday

By: April Thomas

Shy Yet Secure