I am Me

Is My skin all you see?
For years ...
You called me nigga,
And took away my family.

You invaded my country
seeking for something to call your own.
Instead ...
You take my people away from their home.

You put them in chains
And stuff them on a boat
Then you tell they're not allowed to talk
Or else you'll slit their throats.

By the time they arrived to the so called "New World"
more than half of my people are dead
as long as there are more left you'd rather them have mor children
So you rape the women instead

They work your land
From sun up to sun set
Not getting one break
Or even a chance to rest

For years we fight to gain our freedom
And go back to our rightful home
The struggle was undefeatable
Then there pride was gone

They accepeted who they were but said in their heads contantly
Be careful ...
For anything can happen when I am free
this is just because " I am me"!!

By: April Thomas

The Day before Yesterday